LoRaWAN Sıvı Seviyesi Sensörü

Dragino LDDS20 Ultrasonik bir biçimde sıvı seviyesi ölçümü yapan LoraWan Sensörüdür. Sıvıların bulunduğu konteynerlara delik açmadan dışarıdan içinde bulunduğu sıvı miktarını ölçmeye yarayan bir sensördür.

IP65 dış ortam outdoor üründür.

Batarya ömrü 10 yıla kadar uzayabilmektedir.

Yazılım desteklemesi içermez.

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Dragino LDDS20 is a LoRaWAN Ultrasonic liquid level sensor for Internet of Things solution. It uses non-contact method to measure the height of liquid in a container without opening the container and sends the value to the IoT Server over the LoRaWAN network.

The LDDS20 sensor is installed directly under the container to detect the height of the liquid level. The user does not need to drill a hole in the container to be tested. Non-contact measurement simplifies and ensures measurement safety in certain situations.

The LDDS20 uses ultrasonic sensing technology for distance measurement. LDDS20 is highly sensitive to measure various liquids such as toxic substances, strong acids, strong alkalis and various pure liquids in high temperature and high pressure airtight containers.

The LoRa wireless technology used in the LDDS20 allows the device to send data at low data rates and reach extremely long distances. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity while minimizing current consumption.

The LDDS20 is powered by an 8500mA Li-SOCI2 battery; Designed for long-term use up to 10 years*.

Each LDDS20 is preloaded with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN records, register these keys in local LoRaWAN server and it will automatically connect if there is network coverage after power on.